Sunday 17 July 2016

Class 10 - Blank Space with Ann

Hello all, my second class of the weekend and no less than four pages inspired by the American singer-songwriter Taylor Swift song Blank Space. "Blank Space" is taken from her fifth studio album entitled 1989 which was released in two years ago now.

Of course my link from this song to scrapbooking is to create pages which feature "blank space" which might take a few of you out of your comfort zone! 

Download the instructions to create four "blank space" layouts HERE (not just the two layouts shown here).

I used the Websters Pages kit for my pages but there is hopefully plenty of inspiration within the layouts made to inspire you to recreate some or all of them with your own papers. If you really aren't a fan of blank space layouts increase your size or number of photos on each page and layer up those embellishments! So long as you create pages for your albums you are happy with we will have done our job here, and of course do share them in our classes gallery over on Facebook.

Next up is the lovely Debbie at 11:30 with Class 11.